pink petal ballet...

last Saturday, I had the pleasure of photographing 180 little girls (and one boy!), ages 2 through 7 dancing their hearts out on stage at Capilano University Performance Arts Theatre.  my good friend and client, Alix Dunham of Pink Petal Ballet has been dancing her whole life and teaching kids to love dance for the past 17 years.  to see her work her magic with these adorable kids at Pink Petal Ballet's year end performance is a joy to be shared... one two


four five


the combination of all of those sweet faces in their adorable costumes made me take waaaaaaayyy too many photos!  as a result, I couldn't resist creating a very special slideshow from a bunch of my favourites.

simply click on this link below and get ready to smile (don't forget to turn up your speakers!).....

Pink Petal Ballet Slideshow

